

A tool for composing and performing real-time and mixed electronic works using the SuperCollider language. It helps a composer to organise processes and musical material in bundles (cues) and execute them when needed during the course of a piece. It is particularly applicable to musical works incorporating real-time electronics and acoustic instruments; it may also be handy in any scenario where the composer wishes to organise, schedule and trigger bundles of processes.

Here’s a link to a preview of the tutorial & to a quick look video.
Download a conference paper discussing the use of CuePlayer for composition of mixed electronic works.

馃尩 Cactus


A style agnostic framework for creative coding using the SuperCollider audio programming language. At its most basic level it will:

  • Create a project file structure with configuration, initialisation and cleanup files.
  • Create a buffers folder from which it collects all sound files and make them available through an intuitive interface.
  • Allow for defining quickstart templates for different types of projects using a (very) basic templating engine.
  • Allow for the creation and access of modules of sound processes (not available yet).

Check it out on GitHub.


A audio-only game engine for the creation of virtual sound environments inspired by video game techniques. It provides:

  • An agent based system for the creation of interactive sound units.
  • Spatialisation according to cartesian or polar coordinates using Ambisonics.
  • Steering behaviors.
  • A spatial index for efficient collision detection (SpatialHashing).

Get it on GitHub.


Sound & Music

The Mill

A composition based on the soundscape around an old water mill in the village of Chart. The 400 year old building, that is no longer functioning, has become the house of Aileen and Lou. The sounds of the forest around the mill, the couple’s two dogs, the mill’s small river, as well as sounds from Lou’s woodwork shed are used freely for this composition, creating imaginary spaces and events.

Technical aspects: The piece was composed in its entirety inside SuperCollider. When the composition was at a satisfactory level I recorded the sound elements into seperate files taking care to retain the timing and continued in the DAW. Although some processes where added during the final stage of the piece, most of the sounds are generated through SuperCollider.

Common Ground (Excerpt)

The sound of an African Kalimba, location recordings in a gym in Belfast and various sounds of bowed and struck metal, attempt to coexist meaningfully in a common space.

Dreaming (Excerpt)

Inspired by the surreal environments of dreams, the piece takes the memory of an everyday scene, and expands it into a journey through moment-to-moment associations

Balance (Binaural Recording)

Balance is a 24-channel algorithmic composition/installation that uses sound material from the MiSS library to create an ever-changing never-ending soundscape. The sounds are assigned labels that describe prominent characteristics like frequency occupation (low, mid, high) and spatial implication (close, mid, far). This information is used to decide on the number of elements that can coexist at any time hopefully creating a more meaningful randomness (!!). The work was designed specifically for the MiSS concert and the Sonic Lab at the Sonic Arts Research Centre in Belfast.